5 members
Product Manager, Content Designer, Engineer (x2), and me (Product Designer)
Product Design, Research, Analysis, Interaction Design, Design Systems, User-testing
5 months
January – June 2023
I observed agent behavior on the dashboard via FullStory, by conducting UserTesting tests, and through connecting with our business development team who speak directly with agents.
Agents frequently mistook the site wide menu and footer navigation as their own dashboard functionality.
The resource center, which was a valuable learning resource, was often overlooked.
The mobile dashboard was fairly lengthy resulting in agents often missing functionality by scrolling past it, or not scrolling enough.
Client management was confusing and lacking. Agents wanted to click their client's names to edit or manage, but this functionality didn't exist.
“I'd love to be able to click on a client's name
and type in notes. I've got about 16 names on here now, and I'd love to… have a way to categorize them myself or a way to remove them."
“The portal seems, not lacking, but… I can't actually click Clayton's application. Like
I can't actually click into the client. I want to see where he’s at in the app.”
“I’m clicking her name and I’m just highlighting her name. How do I change her address? How do I manage it for her in there?”
Agents are busy, always on the move and benefit by having things clear and understandable. Focusing on mobile first, I segmented the dashboard into 4 sections, each with a clear primary action.
Utilizing layers, I was able to keep tasks focused by surfacing only the most important information, while still keeping functionality available. By creating boxes to hold content, additional capabilities could easily be added in the future, giving our system flexibility.
After compiling a sample of what the dashboard might look like, I ran UserTests to test our assumptions, and the results were great.
When compared against the original dashboard, participants were delighted by the new client management features. They also were able to more successfully complete the tasks assigned to them.
“I love [Super Dash]. I’m a huge fan of [Super Dash].”
“[Super Dash] looks a lot more modern and aesthetically pleasing”
“[Super Dash] was way more simple. The UX design was way more clean, way more modern. This [current dashboard] feels way more cluttered to me.”
“I like [Super Dash] already a lot better. It’s easier to get to the things I need, and it feels a lot more organized.”
During this process, a lot of work was done to identify and narrow the set of features needed for launch. Removing these more complex features allowed for quicker development without greatly impacting the dashboard performance. Some examples of the features we ended up cutting included:
Search, Sort, Filter – With our most advanced users having limited contacts, and a majority having 1 or fewer contacts, we felt comfortable delaying shipping this feature.
Notes – Similarly, this requested feature packed a fair amount of complexity and development time that felt unnecessary for many agents.
Banners – Though we only shipped one banner, the long term vision imagined this space full of helpful directives.
Settings, Notices, Stats – As the program grew, I imagined multiple ongoing outreach campaigns, as well as motivational statistics to encourage agent activity.
Client Next Steps – Our offering automated much of the process, so giving agents clear next steps felt like a helpful power feature, but one that wasn't necessary for launch.
Being more familiar with agent engagement on the dashboard, the redesigned dashboard did a better job capturing edge cases and error states. I then closely collaborated with engineering during production to ensure a successful launch.
The dashboard had a very successful launch!
The dashboard launched in January 2024, and agents sold 2.2x the previous best month's policies. Then in the very first week of February, agents sold 2.4x the number of policies sold in January. Agents have been sharing lots of praise about the new dashboard.
I'll end with one last agent testimonial after launching the new dashboard:
"This is the easiest freaking thing ever! I'm trying to get everyone in the office on this sh*t."
A showcase of the capabilities and functionality of the dashboard.
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